What is A/B Testing in Digital Marketing, How it Works, Tools (Guide)

The only way to truly evaluate your conversion funnel and marketing campaign is to get data directly from your customers. This way is provided by testing your digital marketing channels.

The most known testing type is an A/B testing. A/B/ testing is the process of comparing two versions of a web page, email, or other marketing asset with just one varying element. For instance, if you’re A/B testing a headline, you would create two versions of the same page with only the headline changed.

After you prepare your variations, you present each version to half of your visitors. The test will tell you which version proved most popular among your audience based on specific metrics, such as conversion rate or time on page.

A/B testing has a secret weapon within the purview of only a handful of tech companies to an increasingly ubiquitous and critical part of doing business online. A/B testing is one of the most powerful ways to collect information about your copywriting and design choices. (Siroker & Koomen , What to Test - Optimization in Five Steps, 2013)

STEPS :                                 

 1-    Define success

 2-    Identify bottlenecks

 3-    Construct a hypothesis

 4-    Prioritize

 5-    Test

The hardest part of A/B testing is determining What to test in the first place Having worked with thousands of research results who do A/B testing every day ,one of the most common questions we hear is ‘where do I begin ? ’ (Siroker & Koomen , What to Test - Optimization in Five Steps, 2013)

 There are 5 steps mentioned in the results of the literature review on A / B test optimization. These five steps are an intentional and deliberate process to optimize your digital marketing channels for testing.  (Siroker & Koomen , What to Test - Optimization in Five Steps, 2013)

All it takes to implement the A / B test is to direct different content and design models to different visitors. It requires a serious return condition due to the high traffic of new visitors. Choose to redirect to different test samples, you can divide by traffic referring sites. It can direct different search example. It is for manual preferences in newsletter examples. (Demirel, 2011)


Picture - A/B Testing (Demirel, 2011)

In the area of testing in digital marketing channels is involved other type of testing. The other as konw as A/B testing is that Split Testing. Many of people are confused this two type of testing which one of Split and A/B testing.

The terms “Split Testing” and “A/B testing” are often used interchangeably. They’re actually two different types of tests.

A/B testing involves comparing two versions of your marketing asset based on changing one element, such as the CTA (Call to Action) text or image on a landing page. Split testing involves comparing two distinct designs. (Why Do You Really Need To Do A/B Testing?)

Most of the channels prefer A/B testing because they want to know which elements actually contribute to the differences in data. For instance, if they compare two completely different versions of the same page, how do they know whether more people converted based on the color, the image, or the text? (Why Do You Really Need To Do A/B Testing?)

With A / B test and Split test methods, measurement is made by directing users to different designs and contents with two different versions.

In additionally, while creating multiple studies and experimenting with multiple variations at the same time, multivariate test modeling, which is tested without limitation in the number of items, is also a testing method offered to digital marketing channels.


Siroker, D., & Koomen , P. (2013). What to Test - Optimization in Five Steps. D. S. KOOMEN içinde, A / B Testing: The Most Powerful Way to Turn Clicks Into Customers. New Jersey: John WILEY & Sons.
Demirel, F. (2011, Şubat 25). A/B Testi Nedir? A/B Test Araçları, Örnekler ve Kaynaklar. Webrazzi: https://webrazzi.com/2011/02/25/ab-testi-nedir-ab-test-araclari-ornekler-ve-kaynaklar/ adresinden alındı.

Why Do You Really Need To Do A/B Testing? Search the Daily Egg: https://www.crazyegg.com/blog/ab-testing/#whats-ab-testing adresinden alındı.